13 Years Ago: Lumonics at Union Station

Space Saga at Lumonics Immersed

From the Archives: Denver Mayor’s Award

From the Archives: 2018

Denver Mayor’s Award, 2018
plaque created by Access Gallery
detail of Denver Mayor’s Award, 2018
plaque created by Access Gallery

Thank you to Mayor Hancock and the City and County of Denver for presenting the 2018 Arts & Culture Innovation Award to Dorothy Tanner.

A special note of appreciation to Tariana Navas-Nieves, the Cultural Affairs Director at Denver Arts & Venues, Shanna Shelby, Program Administrator at the McNichols Civic Center Building, and their support team for their help in making Dorothy’s Lumonics Mind Spa installation such a success.

Thank you to Brooke F. Dilling, Becky Grupe, and Suzi Q. Smith.

Dorothy was 95 years old when she received the award.

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