We are excited about the partnership between Lumonics and the Denver-based, national organization, The Phoenix. Its mission is “to build a sober active community that fuels resilience and harnesses the transformational power of connection so that together we rise, recover, and live.” Since The Phoenix was founded in 2006 by Scott Strode, it now has 131,000 members, and over 1400 are in Denver.
Lumonics was founded by the late artists and visionaries, Dorothy and Mel Tanner. It is among the first and longest-running light art studios in the U.S. The multi-sensory performances began in 1970, and have been presented to students of all ages including those with special needs, and many organizations. Mel died in 1993 and Dorothy died in 2020, two years after she received the Denver Mayor’s Award for Innovation in the Arts at the age of 95. The history of the Tanners and Lumonics can be found on Wikipedia.
The mission of The Phoenix fits in very well with our intention to present sober events such as Lumonics Immersed, a multi-sensory experience to refresh and energize your body, mind, and spirit. Each performance is orchestrated live and is one-of-a-kind. Denver Westword described Immersed: “an audiovisual mantra meant to soothe the mind and expand awareness, this drug-free trip through Lumonics is unforgettable.” The experience can give you that elated feeling you are familiar with from activities like running, yoga, dance, and meditation.
Errin Nicole, Phoenix Volunteer at the Lumonics Light & Sound Gallery
We also hope to host dance gatherings, light art classes, and fund-raisers as our relationship evolves. Music Director of the Phoenix, Vince Huseman, has been a wonderful mentor.
Comments from Attendees
Here are excerpts from Google Reviews:

Lumonics is an absolutely beautiful immersion of love, original music, and mind bending light and visual art; that blends over 50 years of psychedelia inspired artistic audiovisual mastery with a passion for paving a sober haven. I am absolutely in love with this project and the kind souls who run the show, and will always keep coming back to support and indulge in the immersive experience, and the creative unparalleled creative spirits who keep this vision fresh and ever-growing! Thank you for providing a mind-bending experience that encourages sobriety, there is nothing else like it! 🤯 Come, you will not be disappointed with the work of the pioneers of abstract light art and audiovisual mastery. 🙂
Connor H.

This is one of the most wonderful experiences I’ve had in a very long time. I’ve been clean and sober for a few years, and this was one of the funnest things I’ve done in sobriety. I went with my son (who is recently clean) and we both had a blast! We also both agreed that one doesn’t need the enhancement of anything to enjoy the wonder of the show. I felt it was very special to learn the history of how everything started, and the people who pulled it all together. It’s awesome to have met the staff as well. The only other thing I would have added, was to get up and dance a few times. We will be returning and bringing new people with us to enjoy the experience with. Thank you Lumonics Light & Sound Gallery for making my life a little better for having had the opportunity to experience the gallery and show.
Marquette S.
Art and Well-Being
The relationship between art and wellness has been important to Lumonics since its inception.
Shanna Shelby, the Program Administrator at the McNichols Civic Center Building in Denver, nominated Dorothy Tanner for the Denver Mayor’s Award for Innovation in the Arts in 2018. Ms. Shelby wrote about the increasing awareness of how art and mental health are connected:
“Several panels at the national AFTA (Americans for the Arts) conference this year explored artistic approaches to community health. I believe that Dorothy’s vision is a prime example of how arts and wellness intersect and promote public health goals. “
“Through the years people have commonly reported having profound spiritual and emotional experiences while contemplating the Lumonics art pieces. It is possible that Lumonics is exerting its effect by creating an immersive experience that feels safe and soothing, but also stimulating and expansive.”
Jomar P. Suarez, MD
Therapeutic Potential of Lumonics
Let There Be Light:
Lumonics Immersed is a Healing Experience
by Emily Ferguson, Cultural Editor, Denver Westword
“What’s really kept us going is that it’s not just doing art; it’s combining the light and the art that we do and music to bring people to a better, healing place.”
“When perceiving an artwork in-person, the brain is ‘lit up, by something akin to beams from a lamp’…seeing or making art can play a crucial role in healing our bodies and minds.”
excerpted from the Lumonics blog about the book, Art That Heals
“Scientific studies increasingly confirm what human beings across cultures and throughout time have long recognized: we are wired for art. The arts in all of their modalities can improve our physical and mental health, amplify our ability to prevent, manage, or recover from disease challenges, enhance brain development in children, build more equitable communities, and foster well-being. The World Health Organization ‘finds evidence of the contribution of the arts to the promotion of good health and the prevention of a range of mental and physical health conditions, as well as the treatment or management of acute and chronic conditions arising across the life-course.’”
The International Arts + Mind Lab (IAM Lab)
We look forward to our partnership continuing to grow and be a positive influence on the Phoenix community members.