Category: Dorothy Tanner

Dorothy Tanner at Work and Play

Photos of Dorothy Tanner (1923-2020) working in the studio at Lumonics. “The major challenge for me in art is to keep under control the tyranny of a logical mind. The spirit that moves me is capricious, unruly and irreverent. Most of my work grows out of intuitive impulse–the rest gets underway by just playing.”

Sketch and Sculpt

Mel and Dorothy Tanner worked with the same material, acrylic glass, in very different ways. Dorothy liked to have a lot of material around and then begin her construction. Mel Tanner always sketched first, often filling the sketches in with colored pencils so that they were very precise. The drawing(s) very closely resembled the completed …

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Four Years Ago Today: Denver Mayor’s Award

4 Years Ago Today: While it hadn’t been officially announced yet, Dorothy Tanner was notified that she was the recipient of the Mayor’s Award for Excellence in Arts and Culture in the Innovation category for the City and County of Denver, 2018.  Denver Arts & Venues sent the Zerosun Creative team of James Joliat and …

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Article about Lumonics in Art & Object Magazine

August 30, 2022                               “Lumonics Among the Longest-Running Light Art Studios in the U.S. Lumonics is among the first and longest-running light art studios in the U.S., originating in Miami, FL at the same time as the Light and Space Movement …

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