Today, we had a wonderful group of residents from Morningstar Assisted Living. They toured the gallery rooms, the art studio and light art school, and then were seated for the light and sound immersion.
Category: Immersive Art
Mar 28
HOPE Online Learning Academy’s Field Trip at Lumonics
Today, we hosted students and some parents of the HOPE Online Learning Academy, the first online school in Colorado, originating over 20 years ago. They were very appreciative of the light art and Lumonics Immersed. School Administrator Rebecca also engaged the students with her observations. We emailed our lesson plan to follow up the field …
Mar 10
Lumonics Partnering with Youth on Record in March
Music Matters March Lumonics is excited to be supporting the next generation of young artists in Denver and the ever-growing Colorado creative economy during the whole month of March! All March long, we’re donating 10% of sales of theLumonics Immersed events to Denver nonprofit, Youth on Record! If you’re not already familiar with this all-star organization, Youth …