Category: Installation

Lumonics Then & Now

Photos (1974) of sections of the original Lumonics Light and Sound Theatre, Miami, FL that opened in 1969 and is now in Denver in its newest installation. This transformative total art experience that Dorothy and Mel Tanner originated provided a setting to release latent creative abilities and to stimulate powerful shifts in consciousness. Since Dorothy’s …

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Therapeutic Potential of Lumonics

west wall of the Lumonics performance space (photo of Jennifer Hughes/303 Magazine)   Therapeutic Potential of Lumonics Through the years (over 5 decades now) people have commonly reported to Dorothy Tanner having profound spiritual and emotional experiences while contemplating the Lumonics art pieces. Some of these experiences have led to considerable symptom reduction in individuals with pre-established mood and …

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Galactic Trio by Mel Tanner

Galactic Trio (1983) by Mel Tanner is one of the newest additions in the performance space at Lumonics, and can be seen at Lumonics Immersed on Saturday evenings and at the Immersive Jazz-Art Experience, hosted by Janine Santana on the last two Fridays of the month. Galactic Trio, a lighted wall sculpture, looks two-dimensional from …

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Meow Wolf Denver’s Post about Postscript

written by Elise Travers, Social Media Manager at Meow Wolf Brightly lit and right at home on C Street, new art now glows above travelers! Some of you might remember our very first Galleri Gallery exhibition, “Light and Sound” by Lumonics Light & Sound Gallery, which was on view when we opened in September of …

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