Artist Dorothy Tanner from Lumonics Light & Sound Gallery was interviewed by 9NEWS (KUSA) Kirk Montgomery on Friday, March 14, 2014
The following was written in the recommendation section of the Lumonics Facebook page in 2011, and we were all deeply touched by this, especially Dorothy:
The artist who creates these pieces is so charming and fun. She was born around the time of the Depression, but her work will do anything but. Her pieces are created using acrylic plastic which is manipulated using heat. The led lights she uses are carefully selected to ensure they play off, and with the sculpture. She loves color and the combinations she selects always ensure the piece still has a fun, sometimes whimsical, and interesting story to tell. If you ever have a chance to see one of Dorothy’s art gallery openings, you will never look at art the same. Lumonics Light & Sound Gallery is the place where an artist can find inspiration and everyone else can become consumed within it.
– Mandi S.