Light and Space Art Movement

Mel Tanner Series of Star Maps

Green Box Arts Festival

The Lumonics team was invited on Oct. 7, 2022 to explore the campus of the Green Box Arts Festival in Green Mountain Falls, CO near Colorado Springs, at the request of Scott Levy, the executive director of the Arts Festival. It is quite a setting!

Green Box Arts Festival in Green Mountain Falls, CO



View of Green Mountain Falls, CO



















Scott took us on a guided tour and it was so impressive. The campus has several outdoor sculptures and a Keith Haring Fitness Court, courtesy of the Keith Haring Foundation. It also has the new James Turrell Skyscape with a spectacular view of the town and the mountains. What a wonderful meditative experience that was! The video I took is not nearly as good as the one produced by Rocky Mountain PBS:




plaque on the wall before entering the James Turrell Skyscape
















Keith Haring Fitness Court














The first year of the Festival was 2009, and it was founded by Christian Keesee and Larry Keigwin.

We hope to take part in the summer of 2024 Festival.

Green Box Arts Festival 2023
Friday, June 30th to Saturday, July 15th

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