As Lumonics enters its 56th year, we are posting archival quotes from over the years:
“Difficult to describe, beautiful and unusual, the Lumonics Light and Sound Theatre is hard to compare or judge, comprehend even, because it has no peers. It is different, something unto itself, and not entirely of this world. That, in an eggshell, is what people are saying about Lumonics. I say “in an eggshell” because your experience at Lumonics likely will shatter any conceptions you might have, either from what your friends have told you, or what you might read here. Your own experience will be unique.”
– Ken Plutnicki, The Miami Herald, “Light Show a Theatre of the Mind,” 1989
Lumonics Immersed
Saturday evenings #Denver #CO
A Light Meditation (30 seconds)
“Doorway” (1989) by Mel Tanner (1925-1993)
Music and Zoom by Lumonics