“Art on the Move” A few of Mel Tanner’s collages that were created while the Tanners were traveling in Europe circa 1966. Their makeshift studios were mostly kitchen tables wherever they were staying. Click to enlarge for best viewing. Mel Tanner (1925-1993)
Tag: art
Nov 19
LUMONICS: A Pop-Up Art Exhibit at The Boathouse
- By Barry Raphael in Barry Raphael, Denver, Dorothy Tanner, Installation, light art, light sculpture, Lumonics, Marc Billard, Mel Tanner, Miami, Steamboat Springs
The BoathouseContact: Rory ClowCreative Directoremail: rory@westerncenters.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Family Bowl and The Boathouse Present LUMONICS: A Pop-Up Art Exhibit at The Boathouse Western Centers, the Colorado-based real estate investment and management company behind Snow Bowl, Family Bowl, The Boathouse, The Boat Yard, and Tavern at The Glen, is proud to facilitate and welcome the …
Jan 08
Lumonics: Continuing the legacy of luminaries Mel and Dorothy Tanner
- By Barry Raphael in art, Barry Raphael, Colorado, Denver, Dorothy Tanner, Immersive Art, light art, light sculpture, Lumonics, Lumonics Immersed, Marc Billard, Mel Tanner, Miami
By KELLY HAYES kelly.hayes@gazette.com Jan 7, 2024 Surrounded by the sculptures of Lumonics late founders Dorothy and Mel Tanner, publicist and co-archivist Barry Raphael and Lumonics Studio and Lumonics Immersed creative director Marc Billard stand for a photo in the gallery used for the immersive light and sound show in Denver, Colo. (Timothy …
Sep 05
Letter of Recommendation
- By Barry Raphael in art, Colorado, community, Denver, Dorothy Tanner, Lumonics
This is a letter of recommendation we received in 2018 from Jami Duffy, Executive Director of Youth on Record Dorothy Tanner and Lumonics are true treasures in our Denver Community. Thecollective works of this group – a team which has been together for over four decades –is inspiring on many levels. As a cohort, this …
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Lumonics Blog
- Lumonics Partnering with Youth on Record in March
- “Hard to compare or judge, comprehend even, because it has no peers.”
- Archival Quotes about Lumonics
- #BlackHistoryMonth
- Community Announcement
- From the Lumonics Archives, 2020: Lumonics Mind Spa at Understudy
- Dorothy Tanner (from the archives)
- Lumonics Archival Flyers as we enter our 56th year.
- Yess + Love = Bliss by Dorothy Tanner
- One-day Cube Class at the Lumonics School of Light Art