Tag: light art

Mel and Dorothy Tanner on WikiArt Website

WikiArt.org is “the online home for visual arts from all around the world whose goal is to make the world’s art accessible to anyone and anywhere.” Here are the profiles of the Tanners:https://www.wikiart.org/en/mel-tannerhttps://www.wikiart.org/en/dorothy-tanner You can also find more information about the Tanners on Wikipediaand on the bio pages at www.lumonics.net  

Review of the Tanners’ Lumonics Retrospective at MOA by Todd Siler

Todd Siler Luminous Art Inspiring Our Hearts-n-Minds To Dream With Wonder: Experiencing the Art of Mel and Dorothy Tanner Art Review by Todd SilerFebruary, 2017 When I first encountered the art universe of Mel and Dorothy Tanner in the current retrospective exhibition at the Museum of Outdoor Arts, my mind leaped “back to the future”. …

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Thanks to Westword for Best of Denver Award

BEST OF DENVER® /// ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT/// 2023BEST LONG-RUNNING IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE Artists Mel and Dorothy Tanner began experimenting with immersive experiences decades before it hit the mainstream, starting in Miami in the late ’60s. Although the Tanners have both passed away, their legacy is kept alive at Lumonics Light & Sound Gallery, which opened in Denver in …

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Galactic Trio by Mel Tanner

Galactic Trio (1983) by Mel Tanner is one of the newest additions in the performance space at Lumonics, and can be seen at Lumonics Immersed on Saturday evenings and at the Immersive Jazz-Art Experience, hosted by Janine Santana on the last two Fridays of the month. Galactic Trio, a lighted wall sculpture, looks two-dimensional from …

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