Tag: Lumonics

Dorothy Tanner at Work and Play

Photos of Dorothy Tanner (1923-2020) working in the studio at Lumonics. “The major challenge for me in art is to keep under control the tyranny of a logical mind. The spirit that moves me is capricious, unruly and irreverent. Most of my work grows out of intuitive impulse–the rest gets underway by just playing.”

12 Men (1974) by Mel Tanner

12 Men (1974) by Mel TannerWhole & Its Parts One of our first restoration projects after Dorothy Tanner passed in 2020 was the 12 Men by Mel Tanner. Some of them needed some repair, and we converted them all to LED from incandescent. They are now in the performance space ( we only have room …

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The Lumonics Partnership with The Phoenix for Sober Events

We are excited about the partnership between Lumonics and the Denver-based, national organization, The Phoenix. Its mission is “to build a sober active community that fuels resilience and harnesses the transformational power of connection so that together we rise, recover, and live.” Since The Phoenix was founded in 2006 by Scott Strode, it now has 131,000 …

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Audacious Theatre Coming to Lumonics in Oct, 2022

Saturday, October 1 will be our last Lumonics Immersed until we start up again on Saturday, November 5.We are excited to be hosting Denver’s Audacious Theatre for the rest of October. Beginning Friday, October7th, Audacious Theatre will be premiering Project 7 Sins. Performances will take place every Friday and Saturday through October 29th. For tickets, …

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