Tag: music

Lumonics Partnering with Youth on Record in March

  Music Matters March Lumonics is excited to be supporting the next generation of young artists in Denver and the ever-growing Colorado  creative economy during the whole month of March!  All March long, we’re donating 10% of sales of the Lumonics Immersed events to Denver nonprofit, Youth on Record!  If you’re not already familiar with this …

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Music painted on the wall of a Venetian orphanage will be heard again nearly 250 years later

The music room of the Ospedaletto is known for its remarkable acoustics. Marica S. Tacconi, CC BY-SA Imagine Lady Gaga or Elton John teaching at an orphanage or homeless shelter, offering daily music lessons. That’s what took place at Venice’s four Ospedali Grandi, which were charitable institutions that took in the needy – including orphaned and foundling …

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Gabriella Zelek’s Senior Recital at Lumonics

It was a delight to host the recital of Gabriella Zelek on the afternoon of Saturday, Nov 12th at Lumonics. Gabriella played soprano, alto, and tenor sax, accompanied by her bandmates. The recital included classical and jazz.