6 Years Ago : Museum of Outdoor Arts -MOA is pleased to announce:Then & Now: A Retrospective of Light-Based Sculpture by Dorothy & Mel Tanner. Article by Wendy L Pitton R in Artbeat Magazine:https://www.artbeatmagazine.com/now-retrospective…/ also on the Lumonics website:https://lumonics.net/then-and-now-retrospective/
Tag: Retrospective
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A Light Meditation:(30 seconds)
A Light Meditation (30 seconds)
Sandcastle and Collage by Dorothy Tanner
As Lumonics enters its 56th year, we are posting archival quotes from over the years:
A Light Meditation (30 seconds)
A Light Meditation (30 seconds)
A Light Meditation (30 seconds)
A Light Meditation (30 seconds)
Lumonics Blog
- International Women’s History Month
- Lumonics Partnering with Youth on Record in March
- “Hard to compare or judge, comprehend even, because it has no peers.”
- Archival Quotes about Lumonics
- #BlackHistoryMonth
- Community Announcement
- From the Lumonics Archives, 2020: Lumonics Mind Spa at Understudy
- Dorothy Tanner (from the archives)
- Lumonics Archival Flyers as we enter our 56th year.
- Yess + Love = Bliss by Dorothy Tanner